These are from census records from 1850 through 1930 of Valley Head area residents. About the Census: Today Valley Head city limits includes northeast portion of Range 9, Township 6, southwest portion of Range 10, Township 5, northwest portion Range 10, Township 6 and the southeast portion of Range 9, Township 5. In 1840 and 1850 the area, today known as Valley Head, was not well defined. The 1840 census had no divisions and the 1850 census was divided into two districts, numbers 24 and 25. It appears, based on surnames and land patents, the 24th district of DeKalb Co AL included Valley Head and areas north of Fort Payne. In 1860 the census became a little better defined. Valley Head was now defined as being in the Northern Division of DeKalb Co AL and the post office designation, Valley Head. In 1870 the post office was still designated, but township and range were added, so that the first family annotated for T5, R8, post office Valley Head was E. T. Harris. The last family of the Valley Head post office designation was Thomas Keith, at T6, R10. In 1880 the division of DeKalb Co AL became a little more complex. The township and range were still used, and a beat number was assigned, beat 11 being Valley Head. By the 1900 census the defining of populated areas became more consistent, that is Valley Head was clearly defined as precinct number 11. This system remained the same for the 1910, 1920 and 1930 census, with a slight variation in 1920.
A PDF of census records for Valley Head is available here:

Today Head Springs community does not exist as a town or city, however it is known for one of the oldest established churches and cemetery in DeKalb Co. AL. The area includes northwest portion of Range 10, Township 5, and the southwest portion of Range 10, Township 4. In 1840 and 1850 the area, today known as Head Springs, was not well defined. The 1840 census had no divisions and the 1850 census was divided into two districts, numbers 24 and 25. It appears, based on surnames and land patents, the 24th district of DeKalb Co AL included Head Springs and areas north of Fort Payne. In 1860 the census became a little better defined. Head Springs was now defined as being in the Northern Division of DeKalb Co AL and the post office designation, Head Springs. In 1870 the post office was designated as Valley Head and Sulphur Springs. In 1880 the division of DeKalb Co AL became a little more complex. The township and range were still used, a beat number was assigned, and Head Springs designated as Phillips, beat 12. By the 1900 census the defining of populated areas became more consistent, that is Head Springs was clearly defined as Phillips, precinct number 12. This system remained the same for the 1910, 1920 and 1930 census.
A PDF of census records for Head Springs 1850-1930 is available here :

Today Deer Head Cove is an area which includes northeast portion of Range 10, Township 3. In 1840 and 1850 the area, today known as Deer Head Cove, was not well defined. The 1840 census had no divisions and the 1850 census was divided into two districts, numbers 24 and 25. It appears, based on surnames and land patents, the 24th district of DeKalb Co AL included Deer Head Cove and areas north of Fort Payne. In 1860 the census became a little better defined. Deer Head Cove was now defined as being in the Northern Division of DeKalb Co AL and the post office designation, Raising Fawn, GA. In 1870 the post office was designated as Sulphur Springs and Townships 2, 3, Range 10. In 1880 the division of DeKalb Co AL became a little more complex. The township and range were still used, and a beat number was assigned, beat 14 being Deer Head Cove. By the 1900 census the defining of populated areas became more consistent, that is Deer Head Cove was clearly defined as precinct number 14. This system remained the same for the 1910, 1920 and 1930 census.
A PDF of census records for Deer Head Cove 1850-1930 is available here:

Today Sulphur Springs includes northeast portion of Range 10 , Township 4. In 1840 and 1850 the area, today known as Sulphur Springs, was not well defined. The 1840 census had no divisions and the 1850 census was divided into two districts, numbers 24 and 25. It appears, based on surnames and land patents, the 24th district of DeKalb Co AL included Sulphur Springs and areas north of Fort Payne. In 1860 the census became a little better defined. Sulphur Springs was defined as being in the Northern Division of DeKalb Co AL and the post office designation, Anawicka. In 1870 the post office was designated Sulphur Springs with township 3, range 9, and township 4, range 10 were added. In 1880 the division of DeKalb Co AL became a little more complex. The township and range were still used, and a beat number was assigned, beat 13 being Sulphur Springs. By the 1900 census the defining of populated areas became more consistent, that is Sulphur Springs was clearly defined as precinct number 13. This system remained the same for the 1910, 1920 and 1930 census.
A PDF of census records for Sulphur Springs 1850-1930 here:

1840 and 1850 Census Index Foreword
AL, DeKalb Land Patents